Prince Edward County’s Newspaper of Record
September 7, 2024
15° Partly Cloudy

Meteorological observations, 1833 and 1903


We omitted last week, to notice the extraordinary appearance of the heavens on Wednesday morning Nov. 13th, because not having seen it ourselves we could form no correct idea of it from the contradictory accounts then given us. It appears that about two o’clock, various meteors were seen, of the sort commonly called Shooting Stars, which gradually increased in number until about four o’clock, when they assumed a more regular appearance. At that time, the heavens were covered with innumerable meteors, all descending from the centre of the horizon, forming one of the most beautiful, and at the same time awful spectacles witnessed in this Province for many years. In numerous instances these meteors appeared to strike the surrounding objects, and several respectable persons have assured us that on examining those objects, they have found a dark jelly like substance adhering to them.–We have not seen this substance ourselves, and can therefore give no opinion of its nature; but if any of our readers still retain any of it in their possession, we will thank them to inform us; first, if it gives light in the dark; and secondly, if it will dissolve on being put into cold water or brine.


–A true friend of our paper writes:–“I make no apology to anyone for The Gazette in my home. It is a clean sheet, bright, newsy and up-to-date a welcome messenger, and ought to be in every home in the county.” We are indeed thankful for these encouraging words, which shall nerve us to greater efforts in the direction of making The Gazette still worthier than ever of public confidence and support.

–Yesterday was one of the darkest days of the season. It seemed next to impossible to do business. The high and public schools were dismissed, the pupils being unable to pursue their studies. Shortly after two o’clock, however, the lights were turned on and business was resumed.

This text is from the Volume 193 No. 47 edition of The Picton Gazette
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Since 1830
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